“Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different...” - C.S. Lewis

Monday, March 17, 2014


Hi, this is Hanna.

On my old blog, I found that my posts were most often very angry or selfish and that I was using it as a way to justify my venting instead of as a way to reflect on things that have been on my mind, which had been my original intention. I also found it becoming increasingly messy, with both personal and kpop posts on one blog, so I decided to split it into two new blogs and start fresh, hoping to make things more organized. So far I have been regularly updating my kpop blog and have been enjoying keeping up with that, and now I am going to try to keep up with this one as well.

As for the name of my blog, "hannashumility," I want to stress that in no way do I look at myself as a humble person. I am far from it; I am selfish, and often very self righteous and conceited. Even knowing this, I continue to act this way and make mistakes. However, the person that I strive to be, the person that I make effort daily to be, is someone who considers others before myself, and someone who values herself enough to be confident but is not proud or boastful. My name, "Hanna" comes from the Hebrew word for grace, and I've decided that I want to fulfill that meaning through my actions and become a more merciful and caring person. I've always valued being open-minded and non-judgmental, which is why I am the way I am today, and I strive to be someone that understands people. So, I feel that if I name my blog this, slowly it will become part of me, until I can truly be a representation of the type of person that I want to be.

If you look up humility on dictionary.com, at the bottom there is the Bible definition, which includes lines from verses such as "a prominent Christian grace" and says that the "great paradox of Christianity is that it makes humility the avenue to glory."

I hope it is clear now that my intention with this new blog is to take my life experiences and try to make something better out of them; I hope to share some daily experiences and thoughts in a positive manner and reflect on them to better my life. This doesn't mean, at all, that I am optimistic, rather, it means that I am attempting to find positive meaning in my situation despite the fact that I have little faith in myself.

I'm honestly not sure exactly what it means for a person to be humble, and I don't understand how to balance confidence with arrogance, optimism with realistic thought, opinion and respect of others, etc. but I believe that I have grown a lot since becoming a college student and hope to continue to do so and start to understand some of these very abstract concepts of life.


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